viernes, 23 de diciembre de 2011


Well guys it`s my time to be in the list xDDD, well this is the thing.

Thumb missunderstanding:

Well few days ago i was on a skypecall with keisuke like we always do and he was reading somnthing about the thumb lengh which says tht ur dick is 2 times or 3 times biggert than ur thumb (i dont really remember), and then we just start talking about tht and making fun of it (like friends always do), well few hours later we were about to go play BLUR together but what happends?? my BLUR was on windows view then i tryed to fix it but everytime i put it in fullscreen my game crashed so i was soo pissed off, then Keisuke comes with the "BEST QUESTION EVER" ." U STILL WATCHING UR THUMB?? i was so confused about the game and i told "YES i mean NO" then he just went like UUUUUUUUUHHH U NAUGHTY ASS then we laugh for like 3 minuts then i god mad again and i went with the most stupid shit i`ve ever told "WHY IS THIS SOOOOOO SMALL" (talking about BLUR) but kei thought i was talking about my thumb, always we remember tht we just LMAO

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